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explicitly political

My goal is to create an equitable and sustainable world, filled with joy, mystery, excitement, and fulfillment. To this end, I am: anti-fascist and promote the liberation of all peoples across the world.

Sustainability means that we regain our place within the world, and give back in proportion to the gifts given to us.

A lot of my understanding of this balance are inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass. Her work has been instrumental in focusing my vision for the future, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has given into climate nihilism.

I believe the path to attaining this future is possible through collective action and cooperation on all facets: human to human, human to nature, human to world. This approach is naturally opposed to our current system of capitalism in many ways. I promote socialism as a known system that I believe aligns with my goals, however strict dogmatism does not lead to progress. That being said capitalism is self sustaining and necesitates exploitation. Capitalism is a powerful drug that we humans must wean ourselves off of, before it causes our's and other's demise.