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fashion, outfits, and more

I love dressing myself!

Growing up, fashion, clothing, and dressing myself was a frought subject. I was rather apathetic about the clothes that I wore at the time. I coveted a few hand-me-down's from my sister, but they were really nothing special and didn't say much about me other than 'girl'.

During university, through skateboarding, I found an appreciate for what most would call street wear I guess. I had always been very persceptive of what others wore, but during this time it became a perverse fascination. I remember silently judging my peers, especially women, keeping tabs on what was popular and en vogue. It was Boston in the late 2010's, so the answer was honestly quite boring. Lots of Canada Goose puffers and leather pants and smart tops. I think thats why I fell for the grungier skater aesthetics at the time. Though even today I lean towards looks that are, for lack of a better word, edgier. Although I am much more able to appreciate my feminine now.