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welcome to andii land!

here you can find out all the cool, interesting, and fun things i (andi) am working on. want to see some projects or maybe some thoughts? please feel free to stay a while.

the creator, maintainer, and only resident of andii land is andi. i am interested in bass, music, game design, programing, skateboarding, art, design, equality, sustainablity, compassion and u! among many other things...

i am currently adrift on the sea of life. i am looking for ways to bring love, joy, and life to the world through community, software, and any other means.

i hope that you may find something here that inspires you, gives you hope, or helps you know me better.

the source for the website is located here. webpages are compiled from 'html'-like documents into the website source using a tiny rust program i wrote. feel free to fork this website and make something of your own!

with love -andi